About Me


I was born in Oakland, CA., and have lived in the Bay Area and Sacramento. My current residence is in Marin County.

I'm self-taught in photography excepting a workshop here and there. My first camera was given to me by a veteran returning from the Vietnam war, an Olympus half-frame rangefinder. Subsequently I used a variety of large, medium and small format cameras film cameras and switched to digital around 2008.

I made my living as a software engineer for various companies including PG&E, Visa, and Ebay where I retired in 2014.

My Work

I've been influenced by numerous photographers over the span of the 50 years I've made photographs. In the early days Edward Weston and Ansel Adams inspired my work but I learned as time went by that I really found the urban landscape was my primary interest. More recently I have taken my cues from photographers such as John Gossage, William Eggleston, and Gerry Johannson.


Feel free to contact me with questions or comments.

Using Format